10100 Loop 40 West
Midland, TX 79706​
Mailing Address
PO Box 61880
Midland, Tx 79711-1880

Operating Hours:
8:30am -12:00– 1:30-5:30pm
8:30am -12:00– 1:30-5:30pm
8:30am -12:00– 1:30-5:30pm
8:30am -12:00– 1:30-5:30pm
8:30am -12:00– 1:30-5:00pm
For all Emergencies outside of Operating hours, call the clinic number and follow prompts for emergency
Retina Specialists
Serving Midland, Odessa, Ft Stockton and Pecos , TX
At Premier Retina Specialists, we strive to offer cutting-edge treatment to all of our patients while maintaining a caring, compassionate environment. We are constantly participating in medical research in order to develop new treatments to improve the lives of our patients.
Dr. Culbert, Dr. Escobedo, and Dr. De La Paz, with the rest of the team, work hard to preserve and restore the sight of our patients throughout Midland, Odessa, Ft. Stockton and Pecos and the surrounding Permian Basin and south east New Mexico areas.

New Patient?
Epi Retinal Membrane
Lattice Degeneration
Macular Holes
- Retinal Vein Occlusion
- Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Vitreous Hemorrhage
- And More
Specializing in the care and Treatments of:
Corona-virus (COVID-19) Update for Patients and Visitors
Dear Patients and Visitors,
Regarding the continued COVID-19 outbreak in our country and community, we have made certain operational changes involving eye care at our clinic. We have been advised by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Centers for Disease Control to cease providing any treatment other than urgent or emergent patient care immediately. However, because most of our patients have retinal disease that, if untreated, would result in vision loss, we consider the care of all our patients to be urgent or emergent. Therefore, we will continue to remain open to provide care to new and existing patients in our office. If you have a question concerning your clinic visit, please contact is at 432-617-0181 for guidance.
If you are being seen at our clinic, we are taking additional precautions to reduce the spread of Corona-virus and other infectious agents including:
Screening of all patients and visitors for symptoms or risk factors when they arrive at the clinic at the check in desk.The screening will include an evaluation for the presence of a fever of greater than 100 degrees F, cough, recent exposure to someone with Covid, or recent travel outside of the area.
Any patient or visitor that is found to have a fever will be asked to leave the clinic and contact their primary care physician.Patients with a fever will also be asked to call Premier Retina Specialists and speak with their physician’s technician to discuss timing of a rescheduled appointment.
Any visitor with a fever, who has accompanied a patient, will be asked to wait outside of the facility (such as in their vehicle) while the patient that they accompanied is evaluated and treated.
Any patient or visitor that is found to be fever free but with a cough will be asked to continue wear a disposable face mask during their visit to the clinic and to try to sit as far away from other patients as possible.
We prefer no more than one adult visitor to accompany a patient from the main waiting area into the treatment area. Children who are not patients are not allowed in the examination area and will be required to wait in the main waiting room with a supervising adult.
All patients and visitors will be provided with hand sanitizer upon arrival at the clinic as well as in all other patient areas.
We have increased our cleaning protocols as well throughout the clinic to reduce risk to our patients. After each patient leaves a work up or exam room, everything the patient touched is cleaned with alcohol or disinfectant based cloths or sprays,.
All physicians and staff are screened for presence of fever at the beginning of each day before seeing patients.
We are committed to maintaining the safety and health of our patients and staff while continuing to deliver exceptional care. If you have any questions, please call the clinic. To learn more about COVID-19, please visit cdc.gov.
We appreciate your patience. Updated 10/22/2021
Monthly Satellite Clinics
We have monthly satellite clinics scheduled at two locations to best serve our patients. Check below for locations and schedules.
Ft Stockton - Last Wednesday of the Month
Pecos - 2nd Wednesday (Every other Month)